Sabtu, 29 Juni 2019

interesting experience of Eid Al - Fitr holidays

  On this year's Eid holiday there is an interesting story that I experienced, my first trip from the island of Sumatra, which was from pekanbaru to Jakarta, which I traveled more or less 4 days with my brother who returned home to Pekanbaru by private vehicle, at first I had ordered the ticket returned to the plane to Jakarta, but because I wanted to try the road trip I finally decided to cancel the flight ticket, on Thursday 13 June the trip began from Pekanbaru to Taluk Kuantan to the house of the brother who was there, the trip was taken approximately 3 hours from Pekanbaru City , when we got there we stayed in touch and had lunch, after finishing our stay, then we went on to muaro bungo jambi to stay in touch and the day was shown at 9pm when we arrived there, we decided to take a break and continue the trip tomorrow morning to Jakarta, the next day at 5 p.m. i continued our journey to the road which was taken approximately 14 hours from the city of Muaro Bungo, and sure enough we arrived at 10 o'clock in the evening and rested for a while while taking the car, the journey continued at 1 pm to the city of Lampung to meet relatives there when we arrived at 11 noon in the city of Lampung, we rushed to visit relatives who had not been seen for a long time, after that we also took a 2-day break in the city of Lampung to enjoy the beauty and characteristics of the Lampung city. On Sunday night at 9 pm we rushed to Bakauheni Harbor to cross the island of Sumatra to Java island which was taken 2 hours by boat, the hours showed at 2 pm and we just got out of the ship to the city of Jakarta which is approximately 2 hours from the port of Merak . And finally at 5 o'clock in the morning we arrived at the house.

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